Brian Levis
Hi! I am a senior at UC Berkeley studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Last summer I worked at Bloomberg, and built a full-stack application to run on the Bloomberg Terminal. The summer before that, I worked on an internal tool for Adobe Media Optimizer.
This spring, I plan on taking Computer Graphics, Parallel Computing, and Deep Neural Networks.
Outside of class, I managed a software project for a client of my club, and am working on this neat automatic Nerf turret I built with my friends.
Here are some nice links:
My updated resume is hosted here.
Email me at
Here are some of my favorite class projects:
CS 184 (Graphics):
CS 194-26 (Computational Photography):
CS 161 (Security):
Implemented a file storage protocol in Go that provided confidentiality, integrity, and authentication using a toolbox of PKBF2, HMAC, RSA, SHA-256, and CFB.
The storage server and any communication channels were assumed to be malicious, and the protocol supported upload/download/append and share/revoke.
CS 170 (Algorithms):
Ran offline computation to generate a suboptimal solution to an NP-Hard problem.
The algorithm had to be designed to balance efficiency with optimality to solve a variation on the knapsack problem. My final solution took about 10 hours to run on 1055 input files, and scored in the 81st percentile in a class of ~350.
CS 61C (Computer Architecture):
Designed a CPU using circuit simulation software that was able to execute a 34-size subset of the MIPS instruction set.
Sped up execution of some image-processing code by ~10x.
Techiniques included logical optimization, loop unrolling, multithreading using OpenMP, SIMD with x86 intrinsics, and padding arrays to improve cache performance.
CS 61B (Data Structures):
Built a text editor from scratch in Java, using a constrained selection of JavaFX functions.
I chose to use a "rope", a data structure that is often used to manipulate a very long string. The editor had a cursor, highlightable text, and a scrollbar. It supported word wrap, open/save, copy/paste, selection, and undo/redo.
Freshman year hackathon projects hosted on Heroku (and probably broken):
Tweet Runner (Made for CSUA Fall 2015 Hackathon - 3rd Place)
Scroller game that responds to the real-time Twitter stream.
Radio Map (Made for CSUA Spring 2016 Hackathon - Honorable Mention)
Road trip visualizer that plays "Billboard Top 100" hits based on location (online version does not properly assign songs, but the updated version is on GitHub). subdirectories: nerf-iron-dome wasteoftime subdomains: ch4 fileserver picam printer resume router threadable turret
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